I had the joy of attending a 4-H retreat with my raiser this past weekend and boy was it bundles of fun!!
I was
suppose to attend two 4-H retreats with her in March, but due to the serious medical issues I was having earlier in the month... I ended up spending my weekend at the specialist, instead of with her at the 1st retreat.
So my raiser was very happy when her 2nd retreat came up, and I wasn't having any medical issues.
She knew this retreat would be such a good experience for me, and didn't want me to miss it the second time around... thankfully, I was able to attend!
We both had a blast, and this is one of the first times I've been in this kind of setting (cabins - tie downs - camping stuff - etc).
My raiser and her 4-H friends took LOTS of pictures during the retreat... and I happened to star in most all of them, guess I'm very popular with the camera :)
I met lots of new people at the retreat and my raiser was impressed with how well I worked; and I even got to attend some different workshops & a dance with her (including "team building" & hip-hop classes!).
Enjoy the enormous amount of pictures below...
Taking a break during the dance...
Picture of Brandon laying down, resting his head on my legs (I'm sitting beside him) |
My raiser & I rocked out the dance floor!
Picture of Brandon and I dancing |
Had to take a quick break from the dance, to give my raiser a kiss!
Picture of Brandon giving me a kiss (I'm kneeling down) |
And my raiser had to pass along a furry awesome hug to me...
Picture of me holding Brandon in my arms, during the dance |
Group shot with some 4-Hers!
Picture of Brandon and I with some other 4-H ers, we're all pointing & staring up at the sky |
Another group shot with more 4-Hers!
Picture of Brandon and I with some more 4-Hers |
Workshop time!
Picture of Brandon in a sit-stay during a workshop, you can see some 4-Hers behind him |
I was even able to watch some 4-Hers play a interesting game...
Picture of Brandon in a down-stay watching other 4-Hers play a game that includes hitting foam balls everywhere... |
Lunch time = nap time!
Picture of Brandon asleep beside our table during lunch |
Man do 4-Hers pack a lot...
Picture of Brandon in a down-stay, you can see a huge pile of luggage behind him |
Never knew you could fit into the cubbies...
Picture of Brandon, another 4-Her and I all sitting in the cubbies in our cabin |
So I have to sleep here???
Picture of Brandon sniffing the spot between 2 different bunk beds |