About Me

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I am a male yellow Lab. My birth date is September 4th 2011. I am in training to be a guide dog for the blind. (guide dog school -Southeastern Guide Dogs) I'm my raiser's fifth guide dog puppy. She will keep me for (about) 1 year, then I will head off to harness training! Please feel free to follow my blog and keep up with: Brandon's Life... As a guide dog in training

My Furry Friends! (Feel free to join the pack!)

About: Liberty

PitaPata Dog tickers

Liberty is the house "guard" dog.
Her breed is an English Mastiff. 
We got Liberty when we had my second guide dog puppy "Frankie".  (back in Feb. 2009).
Liberty is a life time commitment - she is not in training for a guide dog!
Liberty is a very sweet & calm dog.  She loves little children - but most times they don't love her back! (she looks to BIG).  She is a friendly dog and loves my guide dog puppies.
She was very attached to Toby, sometimes the still misses him.  We Hope she likes the new guide dog puppy just as well.

(Picture of me holding Liberty at her old home - she was only 7 weeks old in the picture)

(Picture of just Liberty - taken this year - she is HUGE!!)

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