Frankie is a female yellow Labrador. She was the second dog I received from Southeastern Guide Dogs.
She came into my home on March 2nd 2008.
Frankie was much different than Brax. They might all be dogs, but not one is alike!
She learned quickly though, we had trouble with some things, but for the most part she was a good dog. When I left for a 1 month trip to Japan, she stayed home, learning to work with different people.
She was in the breeder program so yes we did have to deal with her being in heat for 3 weeks. (Which is why I have decided NOT to raise a female again!)
But of course In For Training came all too soon and I had to say good bye. She left me on February 28th 2009 to head back to the guide dog school for further training.
In 3 weeks we were notified that she had passed her hip exams & was being evaluated for the breeder program. If that didn't work out she would then be spayed & head into guide dog training.
I was excited, as we had worried for a time that a problem she had in the past with her hip would come as a problem, but it didn't.
The following day (yes the NEXT day), I got a call from my Area Coordinator. Wanting to know if I wanted to... Adopt Frankie.
Of course I had to say "no". The one word I did NOT want to say. But for me to keep raising I would have to have room for the puppy, and as we already had 2 dogs inside...
She was placed with a loving family in Florida, and I'm told she loves her life & has other dogs to play with.
To read more about Frankie, check for posts before March 2009.
2008 posts
(Picture of me holding Frankie, she is only 9 weeks
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