My raiser has been keeping extremely busy recently, giving me almost no time for posting, or visiting any of my followers :( Worry not though, as my raiser is trying to make enough time for me and our blogging friends... please don't think we've forgotten about you!
I use to be the best blogger, posting (nearly) everyday, always had a new update fur you guys, fun pictures, received lots of comments from my followers, and always had time to "visit" my blogging friends. But when Spring gets here, my raiser becomes extremely busy and forgets all about the computer! Her time is mostly consumed in her farm animals, as Spring brings many new arrivals (mostly baby goats) she's always outside milking or bottle feeding one of her goats. One of the highlights of my raiser owning baby goats, means I get to have some interesting and very cute playmates, but the downfall means less blogging time.
So again, please don't think I've forgotten about you guys, or dropped off the face of the earth... I'm still here, busy as ever... but going to try and find some time to blog more often AND visit you guys!
One of my favorite things about blogging, is reading all the furry awesome comments from YOU guys, seems as when I blog and visit my "blogging" friends less, I don't get near as many comments or visitors - and believe me, I MISS that! You don't know how much I enjoy reading all the wonderful comments you guys leave fur me, but now I think I'm starting to realize how much time is acutely spent in commenting/visiting other blogs :)
Enjoy the furry cute pictures below of some of our newest 2012 baby goats (photo credit: my awesome raiser! Who is totally loving her new camera!)
Up close face picture of a brown Nubian baby goat |
Picture of a (mostly black) tri-color Nubian baby goat |
Picture of 2 of my baby goats leaning on their fence |