My trainer took me to the downtown guide dog meeting on Saturday morning.
2 of my siblings were there (Rocky & Duchess), and also 2 adult dogs (they will be returning to school in November!).
There is also a new guide dog puppy that might come to our group sometime(he is in one of our groups, but is still from SEGD).
He would love for you to check out his blog: -he is soo cute!
Back to me,
I had a blast at my guide dog meeting, I got to meet lots of new people and things(including a "dragon"!), so our group leader teamed us up into 2 dogs in a group. Another dog, "Kukla," and I teamed up. We also had a "puppy raiser to be" come with us, and she took turns working with me or Kukla. I thought she was nice!!
At one point we were taken on and off a bus, my trainer said it was to practice "boarding" a bus. I didn't get it, we didn't even sit down?!?
What we were doing was sort of scavenger hunt for "exposures" that our trainers can write down on our evaluations.
After about a hour of walking around downtown doing some training, we all met at a pizza place to eat lunch at (of course not us dogs).
My trainer was given a prize, and next week will be given a PetSmart gift card, because she had one of the best "outing" ideas, (she took me to the
Rodeo)- I can't wait to figure out what she will buy with that gift card...
Enjoy the pictures & the movie of me walking across a water fountain!!
(My trainer tried putting captions with the pictures but blogger keeps messing the pictures and words up, sorry!)
TobyMe and Rocky