*(Written by Rudy's Raiser)*Wow, seems like just last week I was saying good bye to Toby, dropping him off at the school - and having the thought that I'd never see him again (still have that thought!).
Now Toby has been down at the school for almost THREE months, and I've already received his third report card!
So far, he's doing real well with training - most of his "W's" (Working on) are just on new things he's started learning. He still is having trouble with the harness, but we all know he'll expect it in his own time.
Each day I worry. Wondering if I'll receive a email - with bad news in it. Each day, when opening our inbox, I sometime wish I'd just stop and walk away.
But for now - Toby is still IN training down at the school, it doesn't matter to me how quickly he jumps through training, as long as he's fine, and doing well.
I wish him the best of luck, and know all you guys do the same!
Thanks to all who follow this blog, through our ups AND downs, and sticking with us no matter what happens.
We hope to keep passing on great news about Toby to you all. But we all know everything never turns out perfect.
Thanks for following, Rudy will be posting in the next couple days!
Please note that all the W's (which stand for Working On) in the report card are mostly on new things he's just started, he's not having much trouble with things he already knew - which I'm real happy about, as he's learning lots more, and I know he'll do great!
Rudy's Raiser
The human that has a dog with a blog

The Report Card says:
DOG: Toby
Date: July
Training Phase: Phase 1
+ - meeting expectations W=working on
Accepts harness W
Forward +
Straight line concept +
Left +
Right +
Down curbs +
Up curbs W
Clearances W
Traffic W
Indoor mall W
Off curb Travel W
Left, Left +
Right, Right +
Stairs W
Escalators W
Underfootings W
Food scavenging W
Obedience +
Scent +
People +
Small animal +
Dog +
Children +
Kennel behavior +
Toby is a sweet boy. We are working on his harness acceptance. He is learning new things quickly and is fun to work.