My Furry Friends! (Feel free to join the pack!)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Walk-A-Thon 2010...
Friday, February 26, 2010
Southeastern Guide Dog school...
We started our trip at 3am this morning (if you count that morning...).
Arriving in FL late afternoon, just in time for a SEGDI school tour.
We got our picture taken in front of the pawesome SEGDI rock out front, then headed in to start the tour.
Once we got to the IFT (In For Training) & Puppy kennel, us dogs got put in a "kennel van", since we weren't allowed in the kennels:( At least I had some "buddies" beside me!
My Raiser told me she had a BLAST in the puppy kennel, and the pups were soo cute! (see pictures below!).
They headed down to the IFT kennel to visit all the dogs that have returned to finish training. She had a list of dogs she knew that she was hoping to get pictures of. A couple were in the kennels at the time, but some were out training:(
We enjoyed seeing the school, I said my goodbyes and we headed over to the hotel.
Library Assignment
My Raiser, her father and I are getting ready to head down to FL. I'm going to ask my Raiser's mom to publish this post for me, and check my spelling and such. (I'm SO tired, my eyes are like half closed).
I had a "blast" at the library yesterday. There were many kids for me to not play with, and they all asked questions about me!
After play time, all the kids got a chair, then brought it over near me & made a circle for story time. The teacher read out a book called "Mouse's first Christmas", it was sure funny!
My Raiser even stood up for a couple minutes & talked about the guide dogs.
I enjoyed "helping" my Raiser make a edible craft afterwards (don't worry, I really didn't!).
I did fine with all the noise & singing, and behaved like a perfect dog.
Please enjoy the pictures & movies!
The dog with a blog
(Movie of me not paying attention to the kids signing a song & dancing around, I'm knocked out and didn't move AT ALL!!)
(Another movie of me watching the kids sing, I moved a little in this one, but that was because I wasn't quite comfy)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Walk-A-Thon's post...
We are leaving VERY early tomorrow morning (I heard the number 3 and "AM"...); my Raiser is hoping to make it to the school's tour on Friday.
My Raiser is hoping to visit (and take pictures of...) some doggies she knows while down at the school.
I would also like to say a special THANKS to all my supporters who kindly donated to SEGDI.
If you remember my post about FUNdraising Fun I recently had $553.
We are currently now at $723!! (Our fundraising page can be viewed here). Thank you soo much!!
We may not have made it to our goal ($1000) but she is quite happy that we have raised so much!
I hope you guys all have a GREAT Thursday (and weekend!), please stay tuned for the 2010 WALK-A-THON post!
p.s. I was also just taken to the library this morning to finish up our assignment. My Raiser is hoping to help me get that post written/published before we leave "tomorrow". I had a blast, and loved meeting all the kids!
The dog with a blog
Sleeping is the hardest thing in a guide dogs life...
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, February 22, 2010
New News for Toby...
Yesterday My Raiser got a new dog tag made for me,
I thought the highlight of this new tag was it being cool and red. But today I found out otherwise.
My raiser just told me I won't be coming back home from Walk-A-Thon next week with her, instead I will be "attending" a 3 week puppy swap. THREE WEEKS?!? I will be a whole 4+ hours away from my raiser for 3 weeks :(
She tells me the family sounds really nice, and even has some children I can play with.
I told her I will "try" and be brave, try new things, and love my life... We'll see how that goes!
I'm told this puppy camp is the highlight of my getting the new red tag, though I'm not so sure I agree.
During this puppy swap my raiser will be receiving my sister "Duchess" (black lab). Since I'm going to a different puppy group and Duchess is from our group the drop off/pick up dates won't be the same. So I'm quite happy about that, maybe I'll have a day with my sister!
I will be dropped off at my "new" house on the way back from WAT in FL. My raiser will take her laptop so I can write the the WAT post on it and then she will post it when she gets home...WITHOUT ME. I'll have the blog updated by Duchess when she gets here.
The new tag was to replace the one I was wearing that said "Frankie", (my last raiser's puppy), since my last tag with my name on it was to scratched up to read.
On the plus side I am feeling MUCH better!
The vet hasn't an idea of what was bothering me, but we are all just glad I'm fine:)
Thanks soo much for you thoughts & words!
Enjoy the photos of my new tag, and have a Marvelous Monday!
The dog with a blog
My cute red tag & I...
Saturday, February 20, 2010
IWYPRSD and Vets...
You got that right, my day yesterday had to do with the 1 thing Toby dreads... VETS!
I was planning on writing, posting (and taking pictures) for "IWYPRSD" yesterday, (International Wear Your Puppy Raiser Shirt Day).
But instead, I woke up to find Toby sick!
He had really runny diarrhea,(in his crate too...) so we got permission from our AC to take him to the vet, and off we went!
Toby of course would rather have stayed at home, but lucky for us dogs don't make the decisions!
The vet had to check a stool sample of Toby's (which we didn't have), so we brought that up to him this morning.
For now the vet said he could be contagious to other dogs, so Toby & I had to stay home from puppy class today (which he really isn't happy about!). You may notice in the pictures below, Toby is totally "spaced out", the reason for that is a shot the vet gave him, so Toby was really out of it in the pictures!
Please note that I have started "tagging" pictures for Toby, (if you put the mouse over the picture you can then see the description), I may also put words to the sides of the picture, or I may only tag them. Really just depends on what Toby wants!
Hear are some words from Toby -
Enjoy the pictures,
Toby's Raiser
The human that has a dog with a blog
Friday, February 19, 2010
FUNdraising FUN!
I have been very busy helping my Raiser with fundraising, we are currently at $553, my Raiser's goal is $1,000.
We've raised more than half!
Please feel free to stop by our fund raising page, and pass it on to everyone you know!
My Raiser just got a GREAT package in the mail today... HER NEW CAMERA!! (see picture below)
Boy am I glad that quest is over. We went in so many stores, even when we went to TN, searching for a camera that would do just as many cool things as the camera my raiser's sister has. Unfortunately, the newer versions of this camera only have about 1/2 the selections under their "best shot" mode. We all know she needs to be able to get lots of great shots of me; she can't be limited. She gave up looking in the stores after trying millions of cameras in hundreds of stores, and finally found the same model online.
She is quite happy, and is glad to have it for Walk-A-Thon:)
Have a FUN Friday!
The dog with a blog

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Here comes the bride...
My Raiser's friend's mother was getting married last week, and we were invited to go.
(Picture of Toby in a sit-stay beside a rocking chair in a family room, he is gazing to the right of the camera, there is an antique-looking brick hearth behind and a basket with a plant in it behind him)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!
I have been gone for the past couple of days (sorry for the lack of posting!), but I had a blast, and will hopefully get a post done in the next day or so about my trip!
My raiser is trying rubber with me today, (hoping it won't cause any eye issues).
Hope everyone has a pawesome Valentine, enjoy the following pictures & movies!
(Black/white picture of Toby's face & chest, he is waiting for the toy)
Monday, February 8, 2010
A bookie adventure
She has taken me to the library and I did meet some children.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It's time for...
(Actually it's been going on for the past week...)
Tonight 'til tomorrow night the class "hard workers" are up for voting.
Please head over to Mango's blog and cast your vote for the "working dogs" class!!
Which I'm entered in :)
If you don't know who to vote for, feel free to vote for TOBY!
(please note that I'm in the male category!)
And to prove that I am a HARD WORKER, attached below is a quick slide show through my life; as a guide dog in training! (Just various pictures of Toby in coat or harness, with the photo date at the bottom)
Thank you Mango for doing this awesome contest!
Please enjoy the short slideshow of "Toby's life... as a guide dog in training".
The dog with a blog
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Make a Smilebox photobook |