Last week my raiser took me to an "adult day care" so I could visit some people and give them lots of puppy kisses!
My raiser said I did "sooo good", but I just slept through it all... so I don't remember much!
All I know is: The people loved me - and I enjoyed it!
My raiser say's I'm such a calm little puppy and she can't wait to take me to another "adult day care" type place!
I say - as long as she takes me by PetSmart each time to pick out a goodie for being a good boy, I'll go any day!
(We went to PetSmart on the way home from the adult day care center).
Enjoy the couple pictures below, if you can handle my cuteness...
And I'm off to visit some of you guys and get caught up with reading your posts!!
The dog with a blog
We think we are big cuddly lap dogs too! You just actually fit in the lap! :-D
Mr. Nubbin'
Hello. Love your blog. I am the producer on a PBS television show called Curiosity Quest. We recently had the honor of doing an episode with Guide Dogs for the Blind to learn about these amazing animals. We are currently trying to raise money for the orgainization. For every DVD sold of the Guide Dogs episode, Curiosity Quest will donate $5.00 to the Guide Dogs for the Blind organization. Maybe you can help us get the word out! The link is
Thank you!Tammy
Rudy! You are a fine and shining example of canine's finest!
oh thish ish cuteness overload
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
Aw, you two look so good together - what a lovely pair! You are such a good boy and I adore puppy kisses because I just love puppy breath!
Happy to see you're getting out ;-)
You are so cute, Rudy! I'm sure you're the very best guide dog puppy ever! Well, other than the other amazing ones, but I'm sure you're in the top four for your raiser ;-)
Oh, I bet the people in adult day care were so happy to see you. It's very nice of you to visit them. And of course, the trips to PetSmart are good, too. You are extremely cute. I'm sure your Raiser loves buying you little presents.
wags, Lola
Rudy you is a cutie patootie overload! I bet all the peoples enjoyed your sweet puppy kisses too.
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Wooos Rudy! woo are such a cutie pie.I remember back in my younger days when I was allowed to go visiting older humans too, they used to rub my furs....Wooo are going to have so much been being a guide dog puppy!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Rudy - We are so impressed with your work! I'm quite sure we would have washed out of Guide Dog Training!
And you're quite adorable on top of that!
The Road Dogs
You're cute no matter what you do! I predict a lot more outings for you!
Aw Rudy, you made that lady so happy. Plus treats at Petsmart. You got the game down pat! Smart puppy.
Woo are doing so well raising your raiser!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Cheoah visits our hu-dad's dad in a nursing facility, so we know how much a canine visit brightens the residents' day. On behalf of our h-d's dad - thanks for taking the time!
I LOVE PetSmart and PetCo is pretty good too! Going to a place to get petted sounds really cool! Gimli from Country Corgis
Rudy, you are just too cute!
Your cuteness is hard to handle!
i can't help but to smile.
It is so lovely to make people happy.
Keep up the beautiful work with your raiser. :)
Love, Bella.
Cuteness overload!1
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
How well you are doing! The photos are so cute!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
Hopping by! I am new to your blog and have become a follower! I look forward to reading your blog! Come visit me at Mama's Little Chick.
Mama Hen
You did an awesome job! Yay!
Thanks for joining the blog hop. Hope you have a great time meeting new people and catching up with old friends.
Looks like you are doing a great job socializing with people already. Good luck little one you are going to be someones independence one day.
Felissa, Davinia, and Indiana
Hey Rudy
Nice to meet you!! You are right, you are very very cute.Sounds like your training is doing really good. You must be really smart. Drop by my blog anytime, I like new friends
great job rudy!!!
but you have to wait fur you gabe pressies normaly we post the pressies monday but the postoffice is closed fur work and stuff but good new it will open next week so :D sanne runs to the postoffice to post the gabe pressies sorry rudy that you had to wait so long
you will get it, evan we have to swim the ocean to bring it to ya :D
El'bow & Hauwii
Woof! Woof! A trip to PETSMART is a sure great way to end your wonderful day. Happy Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
What a noble profession you have chosen! I always wanted to be a therapy dog and visit children in the hospital (i am very good with kids), but they say I am too old ...
Happy blog hop!
your friend, Pip
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