My Furry Friends! (Feel free to join the pack!)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
'Busy' - Is My Raiser's New Name
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011
Contact with Toby
I've been counting down the days that the "3 month no contact" (with Toby's new owner) will be up - and just last week, the 3 month wait ended!
I just received a email back, from Toby's new owner - which (of course) has made my day :)
For your reading pleasure, I'm including (some) of the email below:
I am going to start out with a couple of pictures of Toby with his new family and a picture of Toby with me next to our Search and Rescue Truck. Toby is progressing VERY well with “specific scent tracking” and area searches. Once he has finished his “live victim” search training I will also train him for firearms search and explosive detection to assist me with my duties at the Sheriff’s Office. Toby has a fantastic disposition….I have been able to take him with me everywhere that I go. He is naturally curious but never unruly. I will keep in touch with more photos and updates. He definitely came from a loving and caring puppy home.
I was so happy to read that email, and I'm very glad to have contact with Toby's owner!
Thank you so much to Toby's new owner, for sending me this email, I'm looking forward to keeping in contact with you!
Toby will be turning 2yrs old THIS coming Sunday (March 27th), so a early Happy Birthday to him!
Rudy's Raiser
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
(almost) Wordless Wednesday
I'm doing a quick "Wordless Wednesday" post... to show you what my raiser has been up to this afternoon - which is the main reason why I've not had time to visit any of your blogs :(
(One of my raiser's dairy goats (Twix) just gave birth to 2 baby goats (twin boys) this afternoon - names to be decided; but both will be a fruit theme name).
Rudy - The dog with a blog
Monday, March 21, 2011
Shopping Fun
I've been soo busy helping my raiser clean up after my amazing blogville birthday party, but I'm finally taking the time to do a post related to... guide dog work :)
My raiser took me shopping with her last week... and we went in, like - (almost) EVERY store in the City.
But it was a whole lot of fun!
My raiser did bring her camera with her... so I've got some pictures of me working in Wal-Mart, and sleeping in a waiting room.
My raiser has been so busy lately, that she's not had time to take me out to get some exposures and such. So she was quite happy to be able to work me last week, and was very impressed with how well I did!
Commands we used during our latest shopping trip...
- Forward
- Left/Right
- Heel
- Find The Door/Stairs/Car
- Switch
- Sit/Down/Stand/Stay
- Leave it
I really enjoyed our shopping trip, and had a whole lot of furry fun!
I'm off to go play with my birthday toys... enjoy the shopping pictures below :)
Rudy - The dog with a blog
Friday, March 18, 2011
Da Pictures!
I had a total of 61 guests, so my house was furry crowded (Thanks to all who stopped by and left comments).
BUT, it was the bestest birthday party - EVER... and I know my raiser enjoyed cleaning up afterwards!
Now, fur your detailed description on how my party went...
First comes the pressies (because I'm greedy... and can't wait till after cake/singing).
Thanks to all my furiends fur all those pressies/cards, they ARE WONDERFUL!! (Frankie, thanks fur the birthday card!!)
After I'm done admiring all those wonderful goodies, you guys sing me a birthday song...
"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Rudy, Happy Birthday to you!".
And (as everyone should already know) cake comes next...
OMD, my raiser made that cake from scratch - doesn't it look delish?? (iced with peanut butter & decorated with shredded carrots/kibble)
Of course, before cutting the cake, I make a wonderful wish (which, I'm unable to tell... otherwise it won't come true!).
After my big "wish", my raiser cuts the wonderful cake - and we ALL get our very own piece.
But all to soon, it was time fur all of you to head home :(
I sure hope you enjoyed my blogville party... I sure think it was FUN!
I'm off to go finish playing with my new toys (see movies below).
Furry Friday kisses - and thanks to all who stopped by to wish my a happy birthday!
Rudy -The ONE YEAR OLD dog with a blog
And my new toys are total funballs :)
(Movie of Rudy playing with the "Octopus" toy I gave him)
(Movie of Rudy playing with the new nylabone I gave him)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
I sure hope ALL of my followers stop by to celebrate with me... this is my official "blogville, birthday party post" - if you'd like to attend... just leave a comment (on this post) and then you will have attended my first ever birthday party!
"Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear RUDY, Happy Birthday to ME".
My raiser is planning on letting me open gifts AND eat doggy cake (made by her) later today... pictures will be posted tomorrow :)
I also received some furry cool birthday cards in the mail... which I'll be posting about tomorrow!
My furry cool raiser let me help make the cake yesterday morning... and I did a good job at making sure she used the right ingredients... of course, licking the bowl/etc is included :)
Soo - lets get this birthday party started, I'll be sure to give a full detailed description tomorrow, on how my party turned out - and how many furry cool guests came!
But fur now, PARTY ON!
Short note from my raiser:
I'd like to wish Rudy a very Happy FIRST Birthday, and I sure hope he enjoys all the goodies (and cake) I've got for him! If you guys would like to post about his party, on your blog - Rudy wouldn't mind at all!"
*Think this party sounds like total funballs? Leave a comment on THIS post and you'll "be at" my birthday party - hope to see you there!*
Furry kisses to all, and I hope you can stop by!BTW - Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Rudy - The dog with a blog
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
(almost) Wordless Wednesday
I hope all of my blogging pals can make it to my "birthday blog party" (by leaving a comment on tomorrow's post) - hope to see you all there!
I'm off to go stare at my amazing birthday pressies...
Rudy - The dog with a blog
I wonder if there really is a watermelon in that gift bag?
(Movie of Rudy staring at his pressies)
Monday, March 14, 2011
The Count Down
I will be throwing a birthday party... on this blog, and would love fur all of you to "come"! (Sadly, my raiser doesn't want to do a giveaway during my blog party... but I'd still love for all you to "come"!).
Have any cool ideas fur me to do during my "blog party post"? Feel free to let me know :)
Hope you all have a Magnificent Monday, furry kisses to all!
Rudy - The dog with a blog

Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday Fun - The Indestructible Dog Toy
Yep, and that's what this post is all about :)
Most of you know, that I'm a very STRONG chewer - if you didn't, well... now you know.
I do have many dog bones, stuffies, and some other cool toys - but my raiser hasn't had any luck finding a fun "play toy" that really is INDESTRUCTIBLE... fur me :)
I told her there is no such thing, us dogs can tear up ANYTHING we want... But she decided to prove me wrong.
My raiser's brother does "welding" - and while at class, he decided to weld a small cube WITH water inside. This "water cube" was total fun balls to play with, and my raiser soon found out that it IS indestructible.
Well, my raiser's brother decided to make me another play cube... and add some steel balls inside (also leaving a couple little holes... so the noise can be heard, very well!).
Introducing, the INDESTRUCTIBLE DOG TOY...
Enjoy the movie (and picture) below, of me playing with the cube.
Furry Friday kisses!
P.S. Please not that I'm not allowed to play with this toy all the time (but when I do, it's only with human supervision) - and my raiser doesn't let me sit down and "chew" on the cube (wouldn't be good on my teeth)... all I do is "push" it around, so it will make noise :)
Rudy - The dog with a blog
(Movie of Rudy playing with the "indestructible dog cube")
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
(almost) Wordless Wednesday
(pictures of me WITH the baby goat... coming soon!)
My raiser has 2 more goats due next week... lots of new play pals!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
My Beautiful Boy
Hey guys, Rudy's Raiser here... I was planning on letting Rudy post today, but when I checked the SEGDI guide dog trainer's twitter page, I thought you'd rather have a "different" update.
Most of you know, that my last guide dog puppy "Toby" returned to the guide dog school in April 2010 - he was "career changed" in October 2010. (He had severe allergies, and couldn't be a working guide dog). And in November/December 2010 Toby decided to try out life as a Search & Rescue dog, and last I heard, he loves it!
I was very happy to see a picture of my beautiful boy "Toby" (in his new career uniform) on the twitter page this morning.
He looks just like I remembered him, I can't believe it's almost been a whole year since I turned him in!
For some more good news - the "3 month no contact" is almost up, and I will be (trying) to get in contact with Toby's handler next week.
(The school doesn't allow contact for 3 months, once the dog is placed in a new home - as they want the dog to "bond" with his/her new owner).
I'll be sure to update you all on him, once I hear more :)
BTW - Toby's 2nd birthday is coming up, he'll be turning TWO YEARS OLD on March 27th.
(and Rudy is turning ONE year old on March 17th!).
Enjoy the picture below (of TOBY),
Rudy's Raiser

Monday, March 7, 2011
I LOVE The Mail Truck
Da first package was fur me... but my raiser is keeping it hidden, she keeps saying "it's your birthday pressie", and she won't let me see it... until my birthday; but I know it's something furry cool!
Da second package was from Addie, Lucy and Hailey (I won some prizes from them!), and the package was filled with LOTS and LOTS of goodies :) Many cool toys, some treats... and some things for my raiser! My raiser isn't giving me the toys just yet... she is saving them up for my FIRST birthday (March 17), so I will have lots of pressies to open.
AND... da THIRD package was from The Hound Dogs, they were sponsoring the Best In Show (readers choice) over at Mango Minster - and because all my furry cool friends voted fur ME, I won the "readers choice - Best In Show"!! (thanks for all your votes!). The Hound Dogs asked me many questions, like "what toys do you like?", "what treats can you have?" and many more... because they were filling up a goodie bag fur me! It was an amazing goodie bag - with treats, stuffies, no stuffing toys, NYLABONES, and much more!! My raiser will be giving me all those cool things... on my birthday.
BUT WAIT, there is MORE. I still have TWO more packages coming... just fur me!!
Da first one is coming from Jess and Glacial... I won a contest over at her blog... and she's sending me some yummies that she got from a local dog bakery! (Oh yeah... she's also sending something fur my raiser...).
Da second package will be coming from Rottrover... they were sponsoring the "Good Ole Dog" category, over at Mango Minster (first place)... and I won :)
I'll be sure to post many pictures of those packages, once they arrive.
I know you guys are all, like... bored of hearing me talk about all the cool goodies I'VE won... So enjoy all the furry cool pictures below, and a HUGE THANKS to the bloggers that have sent us the goodies!
For you information... My (first) birthday is on March 17th 2011 (Saint Patrick's Day!)... if you want to send me a pressie... feel free to contact my raiser via email! (guidedogawareness AT yahoo DOT com)...and birthday cards are also welcome... :)
Furry Monday kisses,
Rudy - The dog with a blog
Da wonderful package a got from Addie, Lucy & Hailey...
Da cool and wonderful things I got from The Hound Dogs...
Da card from The Hound Dogs...
(Movie of Rudy trying to see what's inside the bag that The Hound Dogs sent him - the gift bag is still inside the box!)
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Da Good News About ME
As most of you know, I'm in training to be a guide dog for the blind, which means... I will be leaving my raiser one day, to head back to the school for future training.
I came into this cool home in May 2010, and (at first) my raiser thought she'd have me for (around) 1 1/2 years... but she found out, back in January 2011, that the school has started taking pups back early (no idea why) - which would make my IFT date be this coming April.
My raiser has been expecting a IFT email soon, and every time a new email from our AC comes in... her heart skips a beat, wondering if this is the email - then she'd start having to plan on returning me to the guide dog school.
But she was SOOO excited (and surprised) to find this email from her AC in her inbox:
Subject: We are NOT on the April IFT list
Email: Have no word on May yet – but it looks like this litter will be with us until at least late May/June timeframe.
My raiser was very glad to hear that I'm NOT going IFT in April, and I agree with her :)
So you guys are stuck with me for another couple months, enjoy it!!
BTW - for anyone who's thinking about asking this question:
"Will your raiser get another guide dog puppy, and if so -when?".
At this point, due to some "financial" issues, my raiser may not be able to raise again (seems as though, guide dog puppies cost a lot to raise/care for...). But since I'm staying with her, a couple months longer - she hopes that things will work out, and if so - she may plan on getting a puppy after I return (around) June 2011. It all depends on how much "green papers" she has :)
She will keep us update to date on that situation though... and if all else, Liberty (my Raiser's English Mastiff) can run the blog for a while!
Enough about that though... I'm not leaving for QUITE a while, so you shouldn't have to worry about it.
I'm still far behind on posting... I've got LOTS more interesting posts coming up, with even more good news about ME.
But fur now... enjoy the pictures below, of ME! (My raiser decided to take me out into a empty goat fence... and let PLAY and RUN in it! And she took many pictures, just for you).
Rudy - The dog with a blog
If your tongue hangs out while you run... it's double the fun!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
The Winners Are...
I was hoping to do some "cool thing" for picking the winners... but in the end, my raiser tells me we are just going to use that "" thing. Which I think is totally crazy... but we did it anyways.
We had a totally of 97 comments... and the TWO winners of our giveaway are:
Comment #40

I hope you're having fun at puppy camp, Rudy! Thank you for doing this giveaway. Those sure are some super great prizes!
Wiggles & Wags,
Mayzie "
And comment #96

Glad you reminded me about this. GOOD LUCK Everybuddy. "
A furry congratulations to Mayzie & Frankie Furter! (please send us your mailing address... at guidedogawareness AT yahoo DOT com).
Thanks to all who entered my giveaway, it sure was a lot of fun :)
Lots and LOTS of updates coming soon (including... many awards given to ME, goodie bags/packages/giveaways I've won/received in the mail... and some GREAT news from the guide dog school, about me!).
But fur now, one more HUGE congratulations to Mayzie & Frankie... you are 2 very lucky pups!
Furry Thursday kisses,
Rudy - The dog with a blog
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
(almost) Wordless Wednesday - Windy Walk
My raiser has been taking me on (somewhat) short walks (which I LOVE!!), as she's wanting to make sure I can walk on "loose leash" and not be distracted by cars/leafs/animals/etc.
She's been very impressed with how well I've been walking (she's been doing this for months).
Enjoy the "forward walk" pictures/movie below
("forward walks" are in coat or harness... no "funny business" or sniffing around).
P.S. for all who are thinking "this forward walk sounds like NO FUN" - I really do enjoy it... and my raiser does take me on lots of "fun walks" too ("fun walks" are out of coat/harness and sniffing is allowed!)
Rudy - The dog with a blog
(Movie of Rudy in harness in a "forward walk" - it's quite windy out, but Rudy doesn't mind at all. He really enjoyed the walk!)