Last Saturday was our furry awesome New Year's Party with the guide dog group.
It was AMAZING - all but 1 pup showed up, and we also had some "older" dogs come
(some that graduated from the guide dog school - and are in the breeder program, or got Career changed due to allergies). So it was a very "dog" crowded place!
I also got to meet the newest pups to our group: "Hedy", "Happy", "
Waffles" & "Judy", which are all so furry cute!
My last puppy sitter (who currently is raising Waffles) was there - and my raiser was so surprised that I cared more about the lady - then I did about her puppy "Waffles"!
Which isn't normal... because I'm really dog distracted! Guess I just really like my sitters!We did obedience before sitting down to eat - and I did PERFECT with my commands, getting them all correct right on the dot. When we did the puppy swap (all raisers trade puppies) my raiser ended up with "Happy" one of the new pups. And after I calmed down, I did pretty good with the raiser who was working me.
We did the awards/gifts before we ate - and I was given this HUGE baggy with cool things in it. One of which was a awesome water bottle toy (pictured somewhere below) that I love.
My raiser handed out SEGDI puppy raiser bumper magnetics that she designed to all the current puppy raisers. (Thanks to
Build a Sign - as they donated all those to me for free!). The puppy raisers LOVED them, and our AC thinks the school may be interested in them too :)
Once the people finished eating - all the dogs were given doggy cake, which was amazing - we took a group picture (and some pictures of my brother "Al" & I together), then it was time to leave.
I really hope you guys enjoy the pictures & movies below!
I'm off to go eat some snow :)
*Btw - if you didn't see the post my raiser did yesterday, it gives out ALL the info we have on her last dog Toby. And tells you what career he chose to take. So make sure to check it out - as he's got a fun filled life ahead of him!*RudyThe dog with a blog

(Movie of Rudy doing the command "down" during puppy class)
(Movie of Rudy doing the commands "down" & "stand" during puppy class - he was the first pup to stand and our AC told him great job - which you can "kind of" hear in the video)